A Love Letter to Communications

Short Bits - Communications Part 2

Dear Communications,

in the last Short Bits - Communications Part 1, we focused on one of your most basic forms: body language. We learnt that we must use you cautiously and respectfully to create dialogue, and steer clear of one-size-fits-all solutions that disregard the cultural nuances which make this world one of excitement and thrill. I am still curious though, how might you behave in the world of business?

You can be brazen, show-stopping, unapologetic and rule-breaking. Or gentle, a nudge, an invitation to come hither. What else might you be? Thanks to the wonderful contributor's in LinkedIn's comment section, we are questing towards unmasking your true nature:

  • "Great Comms is taking what’s in our heads and [our] aspirations, and putting that out to the world in a way which is engaging, understood, actionable and persuasive. What we THINK needs to expand to what we want others to think and do." - quote by Susan Barrows Libby

  • "The basis for effective communications in my experience is questioning everything, listening (not just nodding and waiting for your turn), being self-aware and understanding the humanity of others, not hiding behind jargon, using emotion at the same level as data, and intuition. Communications is about creating and nurturing a community." - quote by Borjana Pervan

Sounds like you are all the rage! Yet dear Communications, let me tell you that I am sad. Saddened by the fact that in business you are all too often seen as a fringe discipline. Something inferior to product marketing, understaffed, something reduced to handling media requests, doing investor relations or create social media posts in line with the global Environmental, Social and Governance agenda of the day. To news-jack you see. You are brilliant at these, and they must be part of every communications effort. But you are so much more.

You, dear Communications, safeguard the soul of an organisation, beyond its financial flows and product line-up. You are the language we teach our employees to speak when reflecting about their place of work, the language we use to create followership within a company, and outside of it. You are the checks and balances system against which the authenticity of any product innovation can be gauged when an organisation decides to pivot and change. Commercial ambition has all too often been the demise of such authenticity, and the business needs you to hold its hand and dare to say "no". You are the lighthouse for the outside world that says "We are here, and these are our values". You ensure that business growth is sustainable, integral and inclusive, something that starts on the inside. You are what makes others flock to our side, what makes others want to partner and join forces. As Borjana said: you are the stuff of community.

Let me also say that I am hopeful. More and more I see new job postings for Communications Managers, Directors and VPs emerge onto the scene. With job descriptions that understand you, dear Communications, as something at the heart of an organisation, rather than something of the fringes. Your time has come, and with it the time of those who love and practice you for a living. 

It's time to make love not war with communications everyone, whether your job title says so or not.

Let’s go get it,

Tom Zamzow


Communicate like Nobody Is Watching


Beware of Your Intuition